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Returns detailed, season-long player statistics on a variety of splits.


  year = current_season(),
  id = NULL,
  team = NULL,
  stat = NULL



Defaults to current season (YYYY).


Filters to player ID


Filters to team


Stat to return ('advanced', 'box', 'shooting')


Returns a tibble with the number of columns dependent on the value supplied to the `stat` argument.


Data is split on three statistical types, explained below:


Returns basic box score stats; sorts by ppg.


Returns play-by-play shooting splits; sorts by ppg.


Returns advanced metrics and possession-adjusted box score statistics; sorts by recruiting rank.


bart_player_season(year=2019, stat='advanced')
#> ── Player Season Stats ───────────────────────────────────────── toRvik 1.1.0 ──
#>  Data updated: 2022-09-20 01:39:11 UTC
#> # A tibble: 4,740 × 29
#>    player  pos   exp   team  conf      g   min porpag dporpag  ortg adj_oe  drtg
#>    <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 R.J. B… Wing… Fr    Duke  ACC      38  87.9  5.38     4.93 108    132.   95.1
#>  2 Cam Re… Wing… Fr    Duke  ACC      36  70.1  2.06     4.22  96.4  107.   94.4
#>  3 Nassir… Wing… Fr    Nort… ACC      36  45.3  2.07     2.47 108.   120.   96.0
#>  4 Bol Bol PF/C  Fr    Oreg… P12       9  17.6  4.67     4.87 116.   132.   85.3
#>  5 Zion W… Wing… Fr    Duke  ACC      33  64.9  6.77     4.98 129.   153.   86.8
#>  6 Charle… C     Fr    West… CUSA     34  77.3  3.23     3.87 112.   118.   93.2
#>  7 Romeo … Wing… Fr    Indi… B10      32  76.8  3.81     4.03 106    120.  100. 
#>  8 EJ Mon… C     Fr    Kent… SEC      37  37.4  0.816    2.25 104.   103.   91.8
#>  9 Quenti… Comb… Fr    Kans… B12      36  67.9  0.966    3.16  93.6   97.7 104. 
#> 10 Simi S… PF/C  Fr    Vand… SEC      32  66.5  1.19     2.97  89.3  100.  102. 
#> # … with 4,730 more rows, and 17 more variables: adj_de <dbl>, stops <dbl>,
#> #   obpm <dbl>, dbpm <dbl>, bpm <dbl>, oreb <dbl>, dreb <dbl>, ast <dbl>,
#> #   to <dbl>, blk <dbl>, stl <dbl>, ftr <dbl>, pfr <dbl>, rec <dbl>,
#> #   pick <dbl>, year <int>, id <int>